Poem #1
Inspired by “Honey and Glass” by Peyton Cardoza
By Natalia Perkins
Everyone expects so much
Girls are expected to sit still
Not talk back
It’s hard for people to see how hard it is it’s hard to see your place in this world
Expected never be at their low
It’s never your fault for what people think of you
It’s hard for people to see that you should love yourself cause you are perfect
No matter how much you weigh how tall you are or if you look different
There’s a type of people that look like honey and glass
Everyone thinks you’re perfect and not hurting but you really are
Life is easier when you are the main character and there no problems
But that wouldn’t be realistic
There’s a beauty in knowing your place and never being sad
But that’s not how it works
Poem #2
Growing up is always scary
Our bodies change
We feel so many feelings you want them to go away
You start to stress out about school and bills
You just wanna go back to when you were young and didn’t feel these feelings
Then you start to wonder where all the time went
When you used to be carefree
Where did all that time go
Can I go back to being carefree
Where I had the whole world to see
Poem #3
I would like to say thank you to the people that have hurt me
Cause you might have brought me down for a week or a couple of days
But you also made me stronger
Maybe I cried
But I’m ten times stronger now
Sure you stressed me out
But it was all worth it in the end cause I learned more about myself
And learned to love myself
I will never back down anymore
Cause one day I will get over it and laugh
And thank you for making me stronger
Sure I was upset
But I’m better than ever now
Don’t ever expect me to back down or get hurt by you again
Cause that will never happen
You can call me names
You can make fun of the way I talk and walk
But I will never break down
I will keep fighting
Cause I am stronger than you think