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Ava DeRier

I know you won’t listen

I know this won’t last

I know you’ll walk away thinking

“This isn’t real” or

“I’m not like that”

But you are.

I know there’s a voice inside

Deeper than you can reach

So deep that if you tried to reach it you would be lost, always reaching

For what isn’t there to take

This voice deep down

It says your not enough

Not pretty enough

Not smart enough

Not big enough

Not small enough

Not good enough

It says your not enough

So it can take control

So you’ll give up on you

And give away your soul

It says your not enough

So you’ll be blinded by its way

So you’ll waste 3 hours each morning

So you will look “ok”

But the truth can pull you out

Of this blind and useless body

To the body where all you see

Is your inner beauty

You are enough

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