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Schoolwork is too Hard

Brooke D.

Rigid hallways reflect rigid systems.

The amount of work we get in our classes can get very overwhelming. I feel as if we get something new everyday. I often get very far behind because of all the work. I usually don’t know where to start because of all the papers we get. It all depends on the class too. Like math and science is where I get the most amount of work. Especially science. We get a different worksheet everyday and it gets very confusing and sometime frustrating. We don’t just learn about a specific thing until we get it. I feel like we should have more of the teachers getting in front of the class and talking us through what we are learning. I get a better understanding of what we are learning about when the teacher is in front of the class teaching. I never get stressed out about Allied Arts. It’s pretty much just the core classes that get to me.

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